13 Things You Should Know About the Christian Missionary Alliance University in Redding, California
Looking for colleges is so exciting! Especially when you are considering Christian Universities and you know it is going to play a role in your growth in faith. It can be really difficult to know what a college is really like even if you get the chance to visit and take a tour. I hope that this will help you get a little deeper look into what Simpson University is all about. Is it the right fit for you?
This post is based on my experience as a Simpson student in 2017-2018. While I didn’t go on to complete my degree there, that year was transformative for me. It is one of my most treasured life experiences. I majored in Outdoor Leadership and minored in music, so I got a feel for a couple different departments within SU. Across academic departments, campus, student housing, activities, and spiritual formation – yeah, I think Simpson University is a good college! Anyway, here’s 13 things you should know.
1. The Professors Genuinely Care About You
Simpson University professors are simply fantastic. I even loved my Political Science prof – and I was certain I would hate that class! They take a real interest in you and make themselves available to help you succeed. My voice coach started every lesson asking what I needed prayer for. Some professors host dinner or holiday parties for groups of students at their house so you can meet their family and be a part of community. They also take their role as your educators seriously. All of my professors were available for questions and help outside of class, and did so readily.
2. Their Student Counseling Center is Phenomenal
Simpson University does not cut corners when it comes to student wellness. The Student Counseling Center is a professional, welcoming place to get help for any mental health concerns you may have. It’s only $20 per hour for counseling. They really care about you and will find ways to help no matter your financial situation. Let me be real for a moment – I believe that God brought me to Simpson for a healing journey. Much of it happened in their counseling center. My life changed at Simpson. They have good people.
3. The Campus Bookstore, Coffee Shop, and Library have you Covered
While you certainly will want to explore Redding, Simpson’s campus resources have you covered for the busy days you don’t have time to leave campus. I was at the campus store all the time. They stock practical, helpful things in addition to all the school supplies (and snacks!). Plus, the library has tons of space to study. You can check out more than just books – like a backpacking guitar!
4. It Will Rain
A lot. And there will be worms everywhere, and there’ll be a weird girl like me running around to rescue them.
5. Simpson U is an Alcohol Free Campus
That means that even if you are of legal age to drink, you may not do so on campus and you may not keep alcohol in your dorm room. When I was at Simpson, they strongly encouraged students to avoid drinking off campus. Now it sounds like they have a more relaxed approach, simply asking students to follow the law and take a step further by refraining from becoming intoxicated no matter where they are. A copy of the student handbook is available here.
Honestly, even at Christian colleges there will be kids who are irresponsible with Alcohol. I saw it happen at Simpson. However, by and large, there were a lot of really solid people around. If you’re looking for a reasonably conservative school when it comes to alcohol, Simpson University will be a good choice.
6. Simpson Is Sports-Focused, but there’s plenty to do for the unathletic.

I have no interest in sports, but I found plenty to do between the rock wall, student hikes, and down-spike seminars in the dorm’s living room. There’s nothing like 30 college students watching 4 people play smash bros. Weirdly inviting, even for me. Whether you’re there for the sports teams, or totally unathletic, there’s a place for you at Simpson. Being more introverted, I spent most of the time over by the campus pond, in the Back 40, or in my room.
7. A Friendly Atmosphere Among Students
One of the best parts of Simpson is the friendly attitude among students. They’re just nice no matter who you are or if they even know you. I felt like people were totally non-judgmental. Sure, there will be someone to disappoint you no matter where you go. But I was so impressed at how warm and accepting people were. None of that forced, overly-friendly weirdness either.
As I mentioned earlier, I’m introverted. I opted to spend a lot of time alone in my dorm room. But any time I snuck out, people were friendly. Other students are always happy to invite you to events and hangouts.
8. Alumni Mentorship Program
Simpson’s Alumni mentorship deal is seriously the best thing. You sign up for it if you want to, and they pair you with an alumnus who wants to mentor/disciple a current student. Young people flying the nest need this exact thing! My mentor is such a wonderful human being. She and I would meet up for coffee or go to the bookstore, or she’d show me fun spots in Redding. We had a blast talking and praying together through the school year. It helped me feel a little more rooted in a new place.
9. You Can Form Your Own Informed Opinion About Bethel Church
You’ll probably meet some BSSM students before you ever get a chance to go to the church. They often come to campus to do bible studies with Simpson students. Bethel Church is about one mile away, so take the opportunity to go to a few services and use your spiritual discernment. Whatever you end up thinking of the teaching, Bethel’s 24-hour prayer chapel is a beautiful, peaceful place to seek the Lord. That’s worth keeping in mind for times you just want to get away from busyness and sit at the Lord’s feet.
10. Simpson University is Beautiful on Campus and Beyond

While I apparently didn’t take many photos of the campus, Simpson University is a pleasant place. There are fruit trees lining the paths that you can pick from. There are study tables outside. Walking through campus always felt peaceful. One small pond is graced by a willow tree, and a much larger one is home to duck families.
You can also escape to the Back 40. That is 40 acres of peaceful oak trees and hills behind Simpson’s campus, where you can take a long walk or hang a hammock by the creek with a buddy. It is owned by a foundation that generously gives students access. It is usually very quiet, except for the occasional track team route.

11. They Hold Chapel Twice a Week
Simpson University values your spiritual growth as well as your academic success. For that reason, students are required to attend a certain number of Wednesday and Friday morning chapel services. In my experience, the worship was meaningful and the speakers were engaging. Simpson recruits some well-lived believers for these services!
Simpson also includes certain Bible courses in your degree requirements, regardless of your major. I saw this as a huge plus – I love Bible courses! But it’s something you’ll want to be aware of as you plan your college career.
12. The Outdoor Leadership Major Is Incredible
Look, if you are at all interested in becoming a wilderness guide, Christian camping program director, or a park ranger, you have to check out Simpson University’s ODLE degree. The professors rock, the classes rock, everything about it ROCKS! You will learn excellent leadership skills, you’ll learn so much about yourself, and things like group development (team building exercises, anyone?). I watched the upperclassmen do quite a bit of academically rigorous work in between their field courses.
13. The Sky is Beautiful every day!

Redding is absolutely stunning. Without fail, every evening the sky puts on another display. You just have to stop what you’re doing, let out a deep breath, and be in awe of the God who created it.

Hopefully you can tell by now that in my opinion, YES, Simpson is a good college. They’re on par academically, they have excellent professors and resources, they foster an incredible community among the students, and it’s in beautiful northern California. Feeling inspired? Go visit! Even though college visits are so awkward, in the end that’s the best way to know if you feel at home there. Wherever you end up, I wish you the best!
Thanks so much for reading! I know this is a little off topic, but I really wanted to write about my Simpson experience to grow my writing muscles. If you want to receive more posts, sign up for my email list! There’s a lot more on the way.