If you’re reading this post, you’ve come across a little encouragement to consider the best decision you may ever make in life: to go to Bible school for a year before launching your adult life, college, career, or what have you. When I attended Ecola Bible College, it was called Ecola Bible School – but whatever the name, the purpose is the same:
“… to help you build a strong foundation for life in your personal relationship with God and your knowledge of His word.” – W David Duff, founder of Ecola Bible College
What might that look like? Let me share some of the experiences I treasure from one valuable year at Ecola Bible College:

Bible school helped me build a foundation of faith for the rest of my life
More than anything, I chose to go to Bible school for a year to build a foundation of faith for the rest of my life. God had given me faith after a season of doubt and distrust, and I recognized it was like the pearl of great price in Matthew 13;45-46. In my deepest core I felt the need to fully know and understand that faith. While Bible school is not the Kingdom of God itself, it is form of discipleship, and it is a way to pursue and participate in God’s Kingdom.
No matter what you do with the rest of your life, in-depth knowledge of the Bible and dedication to Christ is unmeasurably more valuable and it will help you succeed at whatever you work toward in life! (Sometimes with God’s vision of success and not our own). The year is, in essence, learning what it really means to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength – and you can that out into the world with you: to each job, ministry, education opportunity, friendship, and so on.
Ecola Bible College allows you to experience a thriving, close Christian community
To this day I have not experienced anything quite like living with a hundred other believers who want to know God and live for him. We prayed together and worshiped together frequently. My roommates would host impromptu worship nights in our room. We learned what it means to bear each other’s burdens and outdo one another in honoring each other.
Imagine living in a setting where there is always someone willing to seek God with you. You can confess your brokenness, sin, and temptation and give compassion, mercy, and exhortation to do what is right. Jesus said, “for where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them” (Matthew 18:20). All I can say is, go and see for yourself.
It helped me commit to read my bible every day
One of the most valuable lessons I took away from Bible school was the habit of reading the Bible every single day. I remember the school’s director encouraging us to take that lesson with us if nothing else. Even if it’s just one verse a day. The habit of reading scripture every day, no matter what, sustained my faith through the spiritual winter I experienced during the next couple years. Importantly, it taught me to read much more than just a verse when I can, and to search for wisdom and understanding.
Ecola taught me perspectives from multiple denominations
Ecola Bible College was unique in that two new professors taught a subject each week. Those small, weeklong courses worked together to fill out the larger courses of study. The revolving door of professors provided incredible value in that the teaching came from many different perspectives and denominational backgrounds. I learned to view things from many angles, to patiently consider someone else’s ideas, and to practice spiritual discernment.
It helped me learn more of what the Bible says than I ever thought possible
Before I went to Bible school, I had no idea it was possible to retain so much of the Bible’s teaching. While we didn’t memorize the whole thing or anything like that, we spent most weeks reading a different book of the Bible several times over. It was incredible to have Bible passages come to mind left and right through life, and to know exactly where to go when I needed wisdom on a certain subject.
Like anything, that knowledge has lessened over time as my Bible study isn’t so intense – and I miss it. But there’s still a lot more of God’s word in my heart than there would have been otherwise. I am so grateful.
What I learned at Bible School helped me bring key aspects of my life to God for wisdom and healing
While it would make sense that any church or youth group would teach about surrendering all aspects of your life to God, there was something different about the approach in Bible college. Maybe it was that we were all there because we wanted to grow spiritually and submit our lives to Christ. In any case, they would occasionally have a class subject like marriage and family, or youth ministry, or missions. Those classes helped me focus intently on bringing those areas of my life to God for healing and wisdom.
Ecola Bible College provided mature guidance to independence as a young Christian adult
Even at Bible College, young people are excited for any chance to exert their independence. Classmates frequently showed off new piercings or tattoos. Yet, while many of my friends at universities began to learn independence in a rocky, stumbling way, I felt that Bible College gave us a safe place to test those waters with some solid wisdom and guidelines.
There were some strict rules – but there was also a lot of freedom within that. The administration was concerned about our hearts and our well-being, not just our submission to some rules. I’m grateful they made an effort to help us keep our heads on straight when it came to relationships, drinking, media, and all the other things to navigate when you’re new to adulthood.
There are so many more things I could write on – but I have to stop somewhere so you can go dig around Ecola’s website. And as much as I loved my experience there, it’s not the only place to go for solid Bible education. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions about my experience at Bible school! For now, let’s recap:
- Bible School helped me build a foundation of faith for the rest of my life
- Ecola Bible College allows you to experience a thriving, close Christian community
- It helped me commit to read my Bible every day
- Ecola taught me perspectives from multiple denominations
- It helped me learn more of what the Bible says than I ever thought possible
- What I learned at Bible school helped me bring key aspects of my life to God for wisdom and healing
- Ecola Bible College provided mature guidance to independence as a young Christian adult
Thank you so very much for taking the time to read my little corner of the internet. I hope you like what you found; sign up for my email list to get word of future posts first thing!
Grace and peace to you,
Almost a Walrus